Useful information

How to get there?

You can get there directly by road or railway. Travelling by road, acces is via the A-7 motorway (exit 4, Figueres sud, if coming from Barcelona, and exit 3 if coming from France), along the N-II main road and the N-260 from Portbou. For rail users, there are currently two train stations: conventional line, located in the center of the city, where all trains connect to Barcelona with the surrounding areas. The high speed train station (Figueres-Vilafant AV) is located to the west exit of the town for national and international destinations. Taxis are available at both stations and also there is a special bus line between AV-Vilafant Figueres station and the city center. Very close to the conventional train station is the bus station with international connections and  Catalan line region.