Sant Ferran Castle

Guided Tours

The huge dimensions of the Sant Ferran Castle allow us to offer different types of visits, from entretaining trails to exciting adventures. Some of them are:

The Water's Cathedral Tour: A guided tour through the moat and the ramparts of Sant Ferran Castle in Figueres on classic off-road vehicles, including access to underground spaces and navigation tanks aboard inflatable boats. ADVANCE BOOKING REQUIRED (Tel. +34 972 50 60 94)

Nostalgic Sant Ferran: A guided visit with off-road vehicles around the ditch of the fortress. The visit is similar to "The Cathedral of the Water tour" but without the underground areas (countermine’s galleries and water tanks). This is recommended to people with reduced mobility or for people with difficulty being in narrow and dark spaces. The visit takes around 1 hour and a half. ADVANCE BOOKING REQUIRED (Tel. +34 972 50 60 94)

Conventional Visit: A Guided visit inside the fortress. It takes between 1 hour and 1 hour 15 minutes. A minimum group of 35 people or corresponding amount. ADVANCE BOOKING REQUIRED (Tel. +34 972 50 60 94)

School visit: A conventional visit adapted for schoolchildren. It takes between 1 hour and 1 hour and a half. ADVANCE BOOKING REQUIRED (Tel. +34 972 50 60 94)

Opening Hours


01/04-30/06/2024 and 01/09 to 27/10/2024: from 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM

28/10/2024-30/03/2024: from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Closed on Mondays (except holidays)


01/07-31/08/2023: from Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM.


Maximum access allowed: 1 hour before closing time



→Single ticket:    5€.

→Reduced rate: 4€.

→Accompanied children under 10 years old (general visit): free of charge.


Guided tour "THE CATHEDRAL OF WATER": Until June 30: 10:30am, 12:30am and 4pm

"The Cathedral of Water" Price: 16€.

* Children from 5 to 10 years: 13€

*Free admission: children up to 3 years old


INFORMATION AND BOOKING CENTRE: Tel. 972 50 60 60 94 during visiting hours.

Reservations via e-mail are not accepted